Wednesday, September 13, 2017

New blog address!

I'm too far behind and too frustrated so I started a new blog.

Open it and save it or bookmark it and keep following!


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Getting caught up!

Alright I've been using some time to get caught up from this summer's blog posts. As you can tell we had very busy days and nights but it was all so much fun. It's exciting to look through the pictures and think about all the good times we had together with family and friends over the summer. But now it cut me off and it won't let me publish any more pictures. I'm going to wait it out and see if I can get it going again tomorrow. Thanks for following :-)

Friday July 21@ the library :-)

Friends forever!!!

Jasper Winery!

Live music, wine, friends and goodbyes as this was the Petersens last night in Iowa!

Then cousins play date :-)

Thursday July 20th

Hannah had spent the night and they woke up making potions!